Mobbing in the Workplace

$48.78 + GST

More and more people are becoming familiar with the harmful effects of bullying. Mobbing has been called “bullying on steroids.” In this course, you will learn what it looks like, how good people sometimes get caught up in it, and how to ensure your workplace is not a breeding ground for mobbing.

SKU: 8635 Categories: , ,


At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify mobbing and how it differs from individual bullying
  • Know why and how it occurs
  • Know how it impacts the person targeted and the organization
  • Know what actions to take if you are being mobbed
  • Know how to avoid targeting someone
  • Know what action to take as an organization to stop mobbing before it starts

Certificate: Certificate of completion will be issued once course is completed.
Duration: 6 Hours